Fishermen recently caught a smallmouth bass in the Susquehanna River near Duncannon, Pa that clearly had a tumor on it that was later determined malignant. This is a first time occurrence in the river but still draws concerns about the health of the waters within. Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission’s director John Arway comments that "These cancers can be initiated by contaminants” and that scientists suggest people should avoid consuming any fish with visible signs of cancer.
Although this is an infrequent situation in these waters, the problem could present broader concerns along the more than 400-mile-long Susquehanna River, which is the longest river on the East Coast. These waters may very well be polluted due to such things as nitrogen and phosphorous from fertilizers, discharge from sewage treatment plants and unused pharmaceuticals flushed down toilets. Actually, according to the detailed reports at, scientists did not some bass back in 2005 with sores and lesions, evidence that there are some possible issues of health and well-being for the sea life and for humans that consume it.
We are asking, through this petition, that the Pennsylvania Environmental Protection Agency include the Susquehanna River to its biennial list of impaired waterways, which would set the stage for concrete action to reduce the pollution that may be causing cancer in smallmouth bass. You can help in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.
Pennsylvania Environmental Protection Agency – We are asking that you include the Susquehanna River to its biennial list of impaired waterways, which would set the stage for concrete action to reduce the pollution that may be causing cancer in smallmouth bass. The conditions of the waters and the pollutants are not safe for any of the sea life living within and for the humans that catch and consume them. Solve the issues of the waters to save the lives of the fish and humans.