Say Hello to Our Community's Urban Farm

Our Mission is to create an urban farm at an abandoned lot in Silver Spring, MD.  This urban farm will provide food, beauty, education and employment for the community. It is our hope that this urban farm will help unite the community through food and art.

In my community, there are many talented people - including artists and gardeners. On a short walk through my neighborhood you will find banana trees, peony bushes, peach trees, roosters, chickens, pollinator gardens, and vegetable crops growing beautifully.

On one such walk I came across a vacant lot overgrown and uncared for - it sickened me because the litter and overgrowth suggested that the lot had been vacant for many years.

With support from the Charles Koiner Conservancy for Urban Farming and the Crossroads Community Food Network, I am working to create a beautiful urban farm for our community on this vacant lot.

I believe that every neighborhood deserves joy, wellness and color sprinkled throughout. I believe that organic, local, and culturally appropriate food is a necessity and a right for all residents, regardless of neighborhood, race/ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. And finally, I believe these things are possible by creating an urban farm in our community.

Please sign this petition, if you support establishing an urban farm at 1014 Merrimac Drive, Silver Spring, MD.

Thank you for your support, Lenora Ashby

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