Reform and expand the Supreme Court!

It's time to expand the Supreme Court, restore balance in place of extremism.

The right-wing majority on the Supreme Court will soon decide whether Trump is above the law and has "total immunity" from crimes he committed while in office, potentially delaying Trump's Jan 6 trial until after the election, leaving the possibility for him to win and pardon himself.

The fact that we are even in this situation shows that the Supreme Court is in dire need of reform, or expansion. Trump was able to appoint THREE Supreme Court justices with life-long terms during his disastrous presidency, and now they can do his bidding from their seats on the most powerful court in the country.

This is extremely dangerous, and threatens our democracy. And we must do something about it.

The Supreme Court has been chipping away at our rights, and now our democracy is at stake. We need Congress to step in and pass legislation to check the Supreme Court's power – whether that's term limits, ethics reform, adding seats to the court to weaken the right-wing majority's power, or something else – and it needs to happen now. Sign your name: Tell Congress to reform and expand the Supreme Court!

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