Ask OSHA and Congress to Protect Health Care Workers!

  • van: Lynn Hamilton
  • ontvanger: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What is the riskiest job in the world?  Assembly line manufacturing is what you might think. But a lot of hospital workers are finding that health care is, surprisingly, the workplace where employees are most likely to get an injury.

Hospital workers often get hurt moving patients, and while an occasional pulled muscle is not life threatening, an extensive history of them can lead straight to permanent disability. These healthcare workers are more likely than any other employee to incur a musculoskeletal injury. Hospital workers are often the victims of violence as well.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has yet to fully recognize the dangers of workplace injuries in the health care industry. The United States Congress blocked an OSHA initiative to require health care providers to ensure a safe environment for health care workers. Tell Congress and OSHA to do a better job of protecting health care employees!

We the undersigned believe that health care workers in the United States need much better protection than they currently receive.

Health care professionals are more likely than any other employees to get musculoskeletel injuries on the job. And these injuries can lead to permanent disability. It is also the case that health care professionals are more likely to be the victims of violence on their jobs.

Please enact laws that require the health care industry to take care of its employees and provide a safe work environment.

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