Shopping Center Manager Poisons Wild Birds! Demand His Dismissal!!!

Gerhard Lang of Arlas Immobilien , Wintertur Switzerland is the manager of the Seepark Shopping Center in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland. Over the period of many months, animal activists have observed a steady decline of wild birds around the shopping center including suspicious bird feeding done by the janitorial staff and dead birds. The activists photographed a pigeon-killing machine and a professional noise-making machine to disturb the birds. When the activists confronted Gerhard Lang, he told them "He would kill each and every bird." This cruel and heartless manager should be fired. The poisoning of wild birds and wildlife is illegal in Switzerland. Not only is Gerhard Lang evil but he is also a criminal. Please sign the petition to end Gerhard Lang's reign of terror before he wipes out the few remaining birds. Your support is urgently needed. The petition will be forwarded to Daniel Brust, Chairman of Seepark, Kreuzlingen AG. Thank you from our hearts, Diana and Bryant Dorsch

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