• van: sally gamble
  • ontvanger: Ministry of Agriculture The Bahamas, Minister V Alfred Gray

    This pet store has over 30 years in business here in Nassau, Bahamas. In this time it has sold countless ill and dying animals including dogs, cats, rabbits, birds and fish.  It is about time that they are held accountable for their violations and down right abuse.

    If anyone has been in this store, they know the repulsive stench that comes from it.  We also cannot forget the sad faces on their poor "products", standing in their own urine and feces. These living creatures are being left without water or food for long periods of time, looking sickly and dehydrated. Not only is this a health code violation, but it's pure animal abuse and it needs to stop.

   Please sign this petition so that we can stop the abuse and suffering and CLOSE IT DOWN!  Speak for those who can't speak for themselves - spread compassion.

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen
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