U.S. House & Senate: Pass Zika Funding Bill without Defunding Planned Parenthood

For months, public health officials have pleaded with Congress for funding to address the emerging threat of the Zika virus. With more than 1,100 confirmed cases of Zika in the US and at least one fatality, GOP lawmakers have finally taken action — with with yet another attack on the women's health services provided by Planned Parenthood.

The Zika virus is transmitted through mosquitoes, and is also sexually transmitted. Pregnant women and unborn children are at highest risk. Yet the current Zika bill includes provisions that would also defund Planned Parenthood, which is why Democrats refused to let the bill pass. Planned Parenthood is one of the most valuable assets to pregnant women in America, especially those who are uninsured or low-income. To fund Zika research while defunding Planned Parenthood simply makes no sense.

We cannot wait any longer to financially support Zika research, but we cannot allow a bill to pass that strips funding from a key women's health care provider. Zika is a virus that will affect women and unborn children first. Let's make sure we do not take away any of the resources these populations need.

Sign here to demand the United States House and Senate pass a Zika funding bill that does not defund Planned Parenthood.

[Decision Maker]:

As a constituent and someone who is concerned about the spread of the Zika virus, I strongly urge you to immediately approved funding to address this emerging public health threat and OPPOSE any legislation which would defund or prohibit Planned Parenthood from providing services that will be essential to combatting the spread of the virus.

With more than 650 health centers throughout the US and serving more than 1.5 million Americans, Planned Parenthood is uniquely positioned to provide education and contraceptive services that will be essential to prevent the spread of the Zika virus.

[Your comments here]

Now is not the time for partisan political theater. Emergency Zika funding is months overdue and removing Planned Parenthood from response efforts -- or eliminating federal funding for Planned Parenthood altogether as some have proposed -- endangers the lives of women and children alike. Please pass Zika funding now... without the attacks on one of the nation's most important health providers.


[Your name]
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