Stop Hunting Endangered White Rhinos

Despite people willing to raise money to save and remove a white rhino, a KNZ businessman paid for the right to hunt and kill an endangered white rhino in the Hluhluwe game reserve, as advertised online.

Park administrators of Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife invited holders of hunting licences to bid to kill the rhino in a tender that was advertised online.

Ezemvelo CEO, Dr Bandile Mkhize, seems to think that killing endangered animals is part of a conservation effort.

Poachers have killed a record number of rhinos in South Africa this year as their horns become one of the most valuable items on Earth. At least 443 animals died unnaturally, up from 333 in 2010.

Tell Ezemvelo CEO, Dr Bandile Mkhize, killing more of them for sport can hardly be considered "conservation".


Ezemvelo CEO, Dr Bandile Mkhize

Ezemvelo KNZ Wildlife

1 Peter Brown Drive

Montrose 3200

Phone: +27 {33} 845 1510


Despite people willing to raise money to save and remove a white rhino, a KNZ businessman paid for the right to hunt and kill an endangered white rhino in the Hluhluwe game reserve, as advertised online.

Park administrators of Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife invited holders of hunting licences to bid to kill the rhino in a tender that was advertised online.

Ezemvelo CEO, Dr Bandile Mkhize, seems to think that killing endangered animals is part of a conservation effort.

Poachers have killed a record number of rhinos in South Africa this year as their horns become one of the most valuable items on Earth. At least 443 animals died unnaturally, up from 333 in 2010.

Killing more of them for sport can hardly be considered "conservation".

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