New Jersey could now become the first state to ban declawing if a bill introduced this month by Assemblyman Troy Singleton passes.
The bill, A3899, will ban both declawing and flexor tendonectomies on cats and other animals, with exceptions for cases where the procedures are deemed medically necessary to treat an underlying condition.
Otherwise, performing these procedures, or seeking them out, will be considered an animal cruelty offense under state law and could result in six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000, or both. Violators could also be subject to civil penalty fines that range from $500 to $2,000.
While declawing remains a controversial topic, the fact remains that it isn’t a simple procedure that merely removes a cat's nails. Rather, the procedure, which is formally known as a onychectomy, involves surgically removing the last joint in a cat's toe to which the nail is attached.
Flexor tendonectomies, which are no better, involve cutting the tendons that control the claws, leaving cats unable to flex or extend them.
These procedures are nothing more than mutilations that are being performed for convenience. Worse is that they can cause lifelong physical harm, and other unwanted behaviors like biting and avoiding the litter box.
There is no excuse for performing these procedures, especially considering the fact that there are a number of safe, humane and effective alternatives to help deter unwanted and destructive behaviors like scratching.
Please sign and share this petition asking lawmakers in New Jersey to take the lead on this issue by passing this bill.
As someone who is concerned with the welfare of our companion animals, I was thrilled to learn that New Jersey is now considering legislation that would ban declawing.
The bill, A3899, which was introduced by Assemblyman Troy Singleton, will ban both declawing and flexor tendonectomies, which are both severe mutilations performed on cats.
While declawing remains a controversial topic among vets, animal advocates and cat owners, it is widely considered unethical and the fact remains that it isn’t a simple procedure that merely removes a cat's nails. Rather, the procedure, which is formally known as a onychectomy, involves surgically removing the last joint in a cat's toe to which the nail is attached.
For cats, it's a ten-toe amputation that's done for nothing more than the convenience of owners who value their inanimate possessions more than the physical and emotional well-being of their feline companions.
This bill will help ensure that cats, and other animals, are not subjected to these painful procedures and will hold both owners and veterinarians accountable under the state's animal cruelty law.
I sincerely hope you will make New Jersey the first state to pass legislation that will ban these cruel practices for good.
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