These Special Chimps Are Facing A Death Sentence. Will You Help Them, Before It's Too Late?

A unique population of chimpanzees, who can make tools, are under threat from a vile logging operation.

Add your name if you want Cameroon to do the right thing and protect this forest once and for all!

And chimpanzees are not the only animals being threatened...

"Ebo Forest is the largest intact forest system in southwestern Cameroon, spanning more than 200,000 hectares (500,000 acres), and providing refuge to a multitude of rare species, including Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzees, drills, and a tiny and enigmatic population of western gorillas. ...

"Conservationists worry that logging, and any concomitant activities, such as illegal forest destruction and poaching, will place considerable pressure on endangered and critically endangered species, and that the biodiversity of the forest would be compromised," reported Mongabay.

But the worst part is, these precious animals and their home were slated to be protected, until corrupt business interests for their way...

"Ebo Forest was previously slated to be transformed into a national park, an effort spearheaded by WWF, but plans were dashed in 2013, reportedly because of lack of funding," said the same source.

We have to apply lots of pressure on the government of Cameroon to do the right thing.

That's why we're asking every single member of the Parliament of Cameroon to take this matter seriously and do whatever it takes to make sure this special forest, and the rare animals that live there, are protected once and for all.

Don't you want to save these endangered chimpanzees?

Then add your name to demand that Cameroon turn Ebo Forest into a national park and give it all the protect it deserves!

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