Charge the MAGA influencers for taking money from Russian agents!

In a shocking development, a slew of major right-wing influencers have been exposed taking money from Russian shell corporations while parroting the talking points heard in Russia's state-controlled media.

These influencers include names like Tucker Carlson, Tim Pool, Benny Johnson, and Lauren Southern, all social media stars with a huge audience who created and pushed pro-Russia propaganda videos.

Hold right-wing influencers accountable for operating as illegal foreign agents!

While it is unclear as of now whether or not they knew they were accepting money from Russian agents, that doesn't change the fact that they were operating in the service of a hostile foreign nation and there must be consequences.

The Department of Justice has issued an indictment against two Russian nationals, Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva, with conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and money laundering. But their useful idiots should not be allowed to walk away scot-free. There's no telling how many people have had their opinions influenced by the ridiculous lies and deeply racist propaganda being pushed by these right-wing influencers.

Charge the MAGA influencers for taking money from Russian agents!

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