Investigate to Determine Any Wrong Doing Of Rescued Dogs

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: Chattanooga Police Department - Fred Fletcher, Police Chief

A group of dogs were rescued recently in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area.  Ten dogs were recovered from a home in Bledsoe County and it is believed that the owner of the dogs had passed on.  However, relatives and friends continued to ignore the dogs and attend to their needs rather than seeking help and assistance to ensure them a good life after losing their loved one.

Most of the animals rescued were suffering with skin infections and had to be totally shaved in order to be treated.  When found, the dogs were living in cramped quarters in their own feces and urine.  It is sad that they lost the one who cared for them but is disturbing that the surviving family and friends just left the dogs in such a situation without stepping in to help or find help. 

With the events of this sad case, we are asking the Chattanooga police to continue a full investigation to see if there was any wrongdoing involved.  It is heartbreaking that the owner passed on, leaving these animals on their own but somehow, no one who survived the owner allegedly did not want to take on the care of the animals.  Hopefully the police can determine if there was anything that could’ve been done to get justice for all of these neglected animals and you can help in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.

Chattanooga Police Department - Fred Fletcher, Police Chief – We are asking that you complete a thorough investigation into the 10 dogs that were rescued in Chattanooga after the passing of their owner.  It appears that the surviving family members allegedly made excuses why they would not take responsibility for the animals or seek help for them, keeping them in the horrific conditions they were living.  Please find out why no one could step in after the owner’s death and if there was any wrongdoing involved in this case.  Be a voice for these dogs and get justice for them.

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