Only few other animals are so graceful as the horse. Many people love them. But in many countries they are seen as livestock and meat supplier. These horses are being agonized in such a way that it will bring tears to your eyes. They stand there in the mud, with their head bowed down, after hours of travelling in small trucks, no water , no food, beaten ,electrocuted, emaciated, with no eyes, injuries all over their bodies, bones exposed through massive torture, slowly dying with unbearable pain. We want to ask you to support us in our fight against such countries as America, Mexico, Argentina, Canada and Uruguay who are responsable for the ordeal of those horses because they are the main suppliers for horse meat in Europe. Please put a stop to it and punish those who abuse and kill those horses. Urge the European Union to impose an Import stop and punish those who sell the horse meat despite the ban. Do not buy horse meat and boycott the countries and stores who offer it . Only this way it can be stopped once and for all. No demand, no tortured horses. Gaia, Voice of the voiceless authorized me to publish those pictures. Please look at them, don't close your eyes or turn your head away. I implore you to help me be the voice for those horses and to win the battle for their lives.