Thailand – Stop Practice of Painful Teeth Clipping of the Slow Loris for Tourists Selfies

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: Thailand Government Department of National Parks

The slow Loris is a small primate that is so adorable with big eyes and a subtle nature. They may appear harmless but do protect themselves by a painful bite through a poisonous toxin if they feel threatened.  Because of their sweet appearance, they are often exploited for human interaction, like cases found in areas of Thailand.  Read the story of one such animal at                              

The slow Loris in the above story goes by the name of Boris after he was found abandoned and injured on a local beach in Thailand.  Boris was covered in ticks and his wrist were broken.  Further examination by the veterinarian revealed that he also had his teeth painfully clipped out.  This is a common practice for the slow Loris that is kept in captivity.  This animal, due to its cuddly appearance and big eyes is often sought out as an exotic pet or for tourist’s interactions, not only in Thailand but in other international areas.

The reason for clipping the teeth is to prevent a venomous bite from this adorable creature with sharp teeth.  This is an extremely painful procedure for the animal and a common practice for the slow Loris in captivity, especially when used as an illegal photo prop for tourists, taking selfies with the animal.  The purpose of this petition is to urge the Thai government to ban this practice of teeth clipping of the slow Loris and provide it the protection it needs and deserves.  You can help with this crucial issue by signing and sharing this petition, speaking out for Boris and other animals like him who will never be able to survive back in the wild due to his injuries and abuse.

Thailand Government Department of National Parks – I strongly urge you to ban a practice of teeth clipping the slow Loris for the purpose of keeping these animals in captivity as exotic pets or interaction with tourists for selfies and other entertainment purposes.  It is horrifying to learn that Boris in this current story will never live the normal life he deserves because of his injuries and clipped teeth, which is cruel and painful. He will be cared for in a Thailand sanctuary but others like him deserve to remain in their natural habitat.  Please ensure you stop the current dangers they encounter currently through painful teeth clipping and give these animals the protection they deserve.

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