Stop Calling Monsanto's Toxic Cocktail "Safe"!

  • van: Chris Wolverton
  • ontvanger: Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Union

Earlier this year, Germany judged the widely used herbicide glyphosate "safe" in a draft reassessment report, but an investigation into the report shows that it's quite dangerous. In order to work effectively, glyphosate needs to be used in combination with toxic chemicals called surfactants. These surfactants escape EU regulation despite their known dangers.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto's popular herbicide RoundUp. Its widespread use means that the toxic concoction of glyphosate and surfactants are likely to be ingested by humans and animals, yet the EU has failed to take action against it.

Calling this toxic combination "safe" because an active ingredient, when used alone, is "safe" is misleading. Unless pesticides using glyphosate are tested in the formulations used in the environment, we don't know if they are safe. Please sign the petition to urge the EU to stop misleading consumers by calling this toxic cocktail "safe" and suspend approval of glysophate until they test all formulations.

As you know, earlier this year, Germany judged the widely used herbicide glyphosate "safe" in a draft reassessment report, but an investigation into the report shows that it's quite dangerous.

An investigation into this report shows the risk assessment process as severely flawed. The revelation that Germany had secretly banned a glyphosate formulation in 2010, and carried out a toxicological evaluation of the formulation without discussion at EU level - must be considered to emphasise the importance of formulation risk assessment and the lack of scientific studies carried out on the hundreds of other glyphosate formulations on the market.

The European Court of Justice ruled that we have the right to know what chemicals are emitted into the environment without restriction.

We respectfully urge you to stop misleading consumers by calling this toxic cocktail "safe", and suspend the approval of glyphosate until all available evidence including studies on commercial formulations of glyphosate herbicides are considered in any risk assessment, by a truly independent, unbiased panel free from any conflict of interest and the scientific studies are released as demanded by the General Court. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

Update #210 jaar geleden
MORE reasons to support the fight to know what’s sprayed on our food:

Deaths double in Argentina's GMO fields.

Germany failed to evaluate key studies in Glyphosate reassessment.

Share the petition today!

Pete Farrer
Apple Farmer & Pesticide Researcher
Update #110 jaar geleden
We just filed a lawsuit against the European Food Safety Authority for the release of two secret toxicity studies which were used to permit Monsanto's Glyphosate.

We need the lawsuit to stop agro-chemical companies from keeping us in the dark about their poisons, and they are fighting us. Please head here for further info, and to support our legal fees with a donation:


Pete Farrer
Apple Farmer & Pesticide Researcher
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