Save Innocent Animals at Grand Tetons National Park

  • van: Aphoto4you
  • ontvanger: President of United States of America
      As a long time supporter of a wildlife i just recently learned that Grand Tetons National Park, Wy,USA is only park who allows hunters to come in season and hunt for Elks...There is ecosystem in the park and boundaries that other animals cross those such as bears,bisons,moose and many more....Who will admit they shot mother bear or a cub while in and out of hybernations...during season time...who is there that monitors if these innocent animals die from a bullet.....and who will garantee me that i will be alive if i go hiking outside those boundaries...Is life worth anything today or is is realy important hunting for sport inside park...many dont realize that this national park allows hunting inside the park...This Law is 100 old set by founding fathers...and its not up to todays standard....
     I am a professional photographer who sells photography and donates 100% proceeds to Grand Tetons National Park...I like to see this Law changed which BTW only USA president can do that and by bellow signing petition I swear that this is only intention with this petition...

Please all otthers sign petition to stop KILLING innocent animals and potential danger to humans inside Grand Tetons National Park

Maybe we can make a difference
and change barberic law that this country still enforce...

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petitie tekenen


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