Do you remember this petition?
" The lives of the stray cats in Vigo (Spain) radically changed when the girls of Proyecto Gato had a brilliant and unprecedented initiative in our country: tracking down their colonies, spaying and neutering their members, taking care of the sick and motherless babies, and finding a home for the tame ones who could happily be relocated.
Nevertheless, after four years of hard, intense and successful work, the Asociacion Proyecto Gato is in serious danger. Two years ago they were promised a cat shelter by the Concejalia de Medio Ambiente but that shelter has not even been built yet. To make things worse, their finaltial aid has been cut and Proyecto Gato is not allowed to have access to facilities that have been recently improved and that have been incomprehensibly destined to other uses".
Many people have supported Proyecto Gato, some of us have signed, shared and sent e-mails, but regretfully this wonderful NGO is more in danger than ever. With their finatial aid completely cut, they live basically on the income of one of their members. Now Proyecto Gato have neither kibble nor litter for all their 600 cats!!!. They need all the help they can get:
- adoptions
- members
- foster homes
- patronage
- donations
and the most important of all:
- kibble
- litter
If you want to collaborate, the campaign can be followed on facebook
I'm aware that one petition with the word money in it is terribly unsuccessful, but as an animal lover, I think it wouldn't be fair for the girls at Proyecto Gato, who have worked so hard for all this years, not to try all the options. If we all donated a few euros, those cats would stand a chance, but If you don't want to help finantially, please, send a letter to the mayor , sign the petition and, the most important of all, share this information with all the people you know. We can't turn a blind eye to this serious problem! We need heroes, people who choose morals over self-interest. The girls at Proyecto Gato set a wonderful example of solidarity, generosity and integrity, specially in a country so insensitive towards animals like Spain. We need them! We can't let Proyecto Gato down!
Please, visit their web
Become a member for just 4 euros
Donations (Spain):
Caixanova 2080 0128 19 0040005191
La Caixa 2100 4793 88 0200035984
International donations:
IBAN:ES39 2100 4793 88 0200035984
Thank you very much for your time!
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