Make Peace in the Horn of Africa Possible Today!

We are a group of young people from all six countries in the Horn of Africa (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia Republic of South Sudan and Sudan); having considered the hefty price that our peoples are paying as a result of war and the devastation it is causing, we resolved to make peace a reality in our region.

As our first step we would like our national and regional leaders to appreciate the consensus for peace in the region: we are therefore asking you to show your support for peace in the region by signing to endorse our covenant to work for peace.

We are citizens from all six countries of the Horn of Africa. Our aim is to make peace a reality in the Horn of Africa


  • Recognizing the urgent need to bring peace and stability to the Horn of Africa;
  • Being aware of the shared rich values, cultures, and histories of the region’s citizens and its diasporas;
  • Guided by the vision of citizens of the Horn, their hopes and aspirations for peace, dignity, and mutual respect;
  • By recognizing their mutual interest in justice, good governance, sustainable development and respect of human rights;
  • Determined to utilise the region’s human and material resources to realise equitable socio-economic development and integration
  • Convinced the citizens of the Horn and its diasporas can surmount any challenges that lie ahead;

... We resolve to work for the following:

Inclusive regional citizenship which would allow accessible movement and trade within the region;

 A region that utilizes its common resources equitably for the prosperity of its current and future citizens;

A region that brings an end to wars and violent conflicts in all their manifestations;

 A region which tolerates the diversity of its peoples and accepts their right to live in peace and harmony. 

We therefore call upon:

All citizens of the Horn and its diasporas to join us in endorsing this covenant;

Our religious and community leaders to join the campaign;

Every man, woman, elder and child to promote its spirit;

National, regional and international institutions to support this peace movement and demonstrate the consensus for peace in the Horn of Africa.

Please sign the petition to show your support for peace.

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petitie tekenen


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