Help Save Olympic Softball for 2016

We the undersigned urge the members of the International Olympic Committee to vote to re-instate Softball for the 2016 Olympic Games.
We the undersigned ask that the committee vote to re-instate softball for the 2016 Olympics. The hopes and dreams of thousands of young women all over the world depend on the sport of softball being a part of the Olympics. It has been said that softball doesn't have enough international support to justify it being in the Olympics and it has been dominated by the Americans. We hope to show with this petition and others like it that softball is truly an international sport that deserves Olympic recognition and should and always be a part of the Olympics. In the sport of softball, the Olympic Games is our World Series, our Superbowl, our World Cup and being in the Olympics is vital to the future of our sport. Please re-evaluate the decision that was made in 2006 by voting to re-instate the sport that we love to play and watch.
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