Help End Horse Slaughter in Canada

Over 65 000 horses get killed a year in Canada alone! At this rate Canada has the highest horse slaughter rate in the entire WORLD! There are 6 slaughter houses in Canada, 2 in Quebec, 2 in Alberta, 1 in Sask., and 1 in B.C. Some of these slaughter horses are being treated in the most inhumane way! Some are even transported in Double-Decker cattle trucks, which is Illegal in some states of the U.S. and when they get to the slaughter houses some are shot with guns that put spikes into their skull, and if the gun is defective, they are sometimes CONTIOUS when their throats are slit!Also some of the horses are killed with drugs which can be Extremely dangerous if not deadly to humans! So I say, if the U.S.  can stop them, SO CAN WE!!!!!
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petitie tekenen


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