Make Corporate Personhood a Campaign Issue

  • van: We The People
  • ontvanger: Democratic National Committee, Republican National Committee, Libertarian National Committee & the Green National Committee

On January 21st of this year the Supreme Court overturned a century old restriction. Corporations are now allowed to contribute unlimited amounts of money to influence the outcome of elections. This will have an enormous effect on our democracy. It will impact everything from large national issues to important issues in small town America. The five Justices who voted in favor of this claimed that corporations, unions and other non living entities are entitled to all of the same free speech rights that American (human) citizens have. They allege that paying for ads is a form of free speech. Since when is a corporation a person and money a voice?

We the people do not feel that corporations should be entitled to the same rights as natural people. We demand that this be addressed by politicians running for office this year. Voters need to know how the candidates stand on this issue in order to make a more educated choice and to hold politicians to their campaign promises.

Send a message, tell the national party committees that you want corporate personhood and the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC to be addressed by candidates seeking office in the 2010 upcoming elections. Voters have a right to know.

*Note - If you want to become even more involved visit:

On January 21st of this year the Supreme Court overturned a century old restriction. Corporations are now allowed to contribute unlimited amounts of money to influence the outcome of elections. This will have an enormous effect on our democracy. It will impact everything from large national issues to important issues in small town America. The five Justices who voted in favor of this claimed that corporations, unions and other non living entities are entitled to all of the same free speech rights that American (human) citizens have. They allege that paying for ads is a form of free speech. Since when is a corporation a person and money a voice?

We the people do not feel that corporations should be entitled to the same rights as natural people. We demand that this be addressed by politicians running for office this year. Voters need to know how the candidates stand on this issue in order to make a more educated choice and to hold politicians to their campaign promises.

We, the undersigned, want corporate personhood and the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC to be addressed by candidates seeking office in the 2010 upcoming elections. Voters have a right to know.

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