Ban Unregulated Stud Posts and Groups on Facebook

The aim of this petition is to try and stamp out groups and forums on Facebook that allow unregulated stud posts , which in turn encourages irresponsible breeding and over breeding! This has become now so common on many groups, they allow people to breed their dogs purely for profit. There are correct channels to go through if people do wish to breed from their dogs. Facebook shouldnt be one of them.


The motive is profit, and occasionally someone of this sort will make a profit from turning out puppies without spending the money to provide them with good care.

Homing the puppies without vaccinations, health checks, home checks and complete lack of care. The Kennel Club estimated in 1996 that about 70 percent of purebred, AKC-registered puppies were from this source.

The charity Dogs Trust published a survey in 2009 which put the number of strays at nearly 110,000, an increase of more than 10 per cent. They estimate a stray dog is put down every hour.


There are enough dogs in the care of rescues and pounds without adding to them.


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petitie tekenen


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