Demand an End to the Torturing of Dogs and Cats in China. #stopyulin2016

  • van: Carol Bowen
  • ontvanger: David Cameron Prime Minister

The Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival, commonly referred to as Yulin Dog Meat Festival is celebrated annually in Yulin, Guangxi, China, for the summer solstice in June, by eating dog meat and lychees, washed down by strong liquor. It is believed to ward off the heat of the summer months.[2] The festival spans about ten days during which 15,000 dogs are consumed.[3]

Reports of inhumane treatment, including torture, has caused celebrities and others to protest against the Festival.[4] A woman named Yang Xiaoyun paid ¥ 150,000 yuan to save 360 dogs and dozens of cats from the festival in 2014, and ¥ 7,000 yuan to save 100 dogs in 2015.[5][6]

Update #19 jaar geleden
This is an e.mail that I received :

Thank you for your further email of 13 July about the welfare of dogs in China. I have been asked to reply.

Whilst your email has been noted, I can only reiterate that we cannot intervene directly in the protection of animals abroad.

The Government will continue to raise concerns on specific animal welfare issues with the relevant authorities.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Potter
Defra - Customer Contact Unit
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