Demand an End to the Barking Ordinance!

The Barking Ordinance on Kauai states that any dog that barks for more than 30 minutes in a 45 minute time frame or a dog that barks incessantly for a period of 15 minutes is in violation of the Barking dog law. Here on Kauai, dogs are our security. They let us know when someone is trespassing, inform us of something wrong, and they use vocals to communicate feelings just as humans do. Putting an end to the Barking Ordinance would allow our dogs to freely communicate with us without being punished. People of the community, along with myself believe that we, as dog owners, should not have to worry about receiving a citation or fines and fees as form of punishment for our dogs Barking. Our dogs are family and as family they should have the right to communicate freely. So please, help us End the Barking Ordinance!

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