Seeking Justice For Missy! Punish Nicola Patalano for Destroying The Yorkshire Terrier With A Cane!

  • van: Slava Radakovic
  • ontvanger: Cranston Police Department, Attorney General Peter Kilmartin

This Rhode Island savage is facing animal cruelty charges after injuring a small dog that later died from its injuries. Fool is scheduled to appear in court on January 2015. Pooch that was injured belonged to Delores Antonelli who later stated that she went to take her dog, Missy, for a walk, got away, and ran to Nicola Patalano and his dog. Pups started barking at each other and that is when Patalano picked up the cane hurt the dog. Delores kept screaming at him to stop but the man cont'd to repeatedly hit the dog with the cane. The witness who saw the entire incident drove the woman and the dog to the hospital but it was too late for little Missy. Punish Nicola Patalano immediately for what he did!

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