Exposing ANIMAL ABUSE @ MoMa in NY: Allowed as "ART" while RABBIT's where subjected to CRUELTY

  • van: Sandra Chile
  • ontvanger: Museum of Modern Art (and its donors)

Modern Museum of Art in NY allowed 
Miss Imhof (german artist) who, thinks it is "art" to put 4 rabbits in an small acrylic enclosure while dancers trot around drinking buttermilk and bang a bunch of metal rods against the walls and onto the floor

Read my blog and see pictures of the display

Rabbits are prey animals, and to put them in a strange place in front of a crowd of people, under the lights and with no place to hide, is stressful for them. The sudden noises in and already stressful situation could very easily cause them to die of a heart attack. As if that was not enough, the "artist" advocates for the slaughter and pet rabbit consumption. Simply atrocious.

Rabbits are the third most popular pets in the world, right after Dogs and Cats; but the number one most abused.

There is no need to spread a message that implies It is ok to abuse rabbits, nor any animal or person, and Art should not be endorsing such activities and spreading animal cruelty behaviors.


Pocas cosas son tan crueles como cuando disfrazamos de "arte" actos de crueldad animal.
Este es el caso del Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Nueva York (MoMA) y la artista alemana Anne Imhof cuya exposicion comenzó el 17 de enero y expone a 4 conejitos de la raza Flemish a estar encerrados dentro de una estrecha caja acrilica, mientras un grupo de sujetos escupe leche agria y golpea el suelo y las paredes con barras metalicas; mientras que se incentiva en consumo de la carne de conejo.
A traves de esta peticion, queremos recordarle a MoMA que la crueldad animal NO es ARTE, y que cumplan con la labor educativa de todo museo  y eduquen en favor del respeto animal.

Firma! Comparte! Difunde!!
Hagamos ruido en favor de estos pobres conejitos!

Dear MoMA,

You have let the world know that your standards for "art", and the judgements of the curators truly lack humanity of living things; as most people in the civilized world clearly saw the exhibition of Anne Imhof as animal abuse. So many in today society are angry with your lowered antics. Many people see their pets as family members.  

One of the many tasks of a museum is the educational one, and educating about animal rights should be a priority for such a respectable institution like the Museum of Modern art. 

Please do not endorse animal cruelty and do NOT USE LIVE PET RABBITS for this (or any other) show in the future. We ask that you never support any artist which works with any live animals; as you are not a zoo, nor aquarium but a facility of higher class of works of imagination and class that can again be restored as such; if you uphold yourself to these basic goals of true art.  

Be artistic with compassion and never allow such an exhibition again. I'd hope that you'd make a statement which we can support the rights of all animals and especially that of rabbits which you allowed to be abused!  During this Easter time of year, many will go out and purchase bunnies as pets and sadly; many will be unaware of the basic care needed like neutering, going to a vet, that they can be litter-trained, they make great inside pets and even they can live up to 10+ years. A show good faith would be appreciated; if you'd be willing to post an advertisement and/or email a letter to your donors about rabbits; especially since NYC will be changing its own laws whereby adopting thru shelters is how one goes about getting this pet. So a nice way to make a PSA from MoMa in the USA would be many of you don't know this about house rabbits: ..... At the bottom you can place a small footnote (*and neither did we which is why we are making this psa. As this would also help MoMa from other groups coming after you saying well why don't you do this for us too. Well, the truth of the matter is...MoMa made a huge mistake and this is the way for us to not have thousands of animal lovers and those who own rabbits at each of our MoMa museums come spring time). 


Update #210 jaar geleden
If you have been wondering what happened to this petition, and you haven't checked my blog yet, please head over and read the following update:


T H A N K Y O U <3
Update #110 jaar geleden
THANK YOU SO MUCH to everybody who has signed this petition!
I wrote a blog about the issue, please take the time to check it out and learn where we stand.


Love, Sandra

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