There Was Another Mass Shooting in Louisville. We Need Gun Control Now!

Tragically but unsurprisingly there was yet another mass shooting in the United States. In Louisville, Kentucky, a man armed with an AR-15 murdered five colleagues on Monday at a bank where he worked, and wounded eight others. 

Sign the petition to tell our nation's lawmakers that enough is enough. We need comprehensive gun control now.

This is just the latest in an unending pattern of gun violence in America. In fact, there was another unrelated shooting at a nearby community college just a few hours later. And just last year, Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg survived a workplace shooting.

What will it take for Americans to stop living in fear of gun violence? Schools, malls, places of worship and workplaces are not safe for us. Enough is enough.

Sign the petition to demand U.S. lawmakers pass comprehensive gun control legislation now.

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