Keep the Gray Wolves protected under the Endangered Species Act.

As many of you know the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are looking to take the Gray Wolves off of the Endangered Species Act list. They think that the Wolves have grown enough that they won't be killed off. Well I feel that the Wolves still need more time to get their numbers back.

Dear U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


I urge you to keep the Gray Wolves under the protection of the Endangered Species Act.

Gray wolves are known as keystone predators because they help maintain a balanced ecosystem. Their diet consists of ungulates (large hoofed mammals) such as elk, deer, moose, and caribou, as well as smaller mammals like beavers and rabbits. Because gray wolves eliminate only weak animals, herds become stronger and healthier as a whole. In fact, studies have shown that gray wolves have helped prevent the spread of chronic wasting disease, a contagious neurological disease, in deer.

The Gray Wolves are one of the most misunderstood creatures in the world. In some ways they aren't much different then humans they are very social creatures within their packs.

Not protecting the Wolves will just harm the Earth in the long run. That is way i'm not going to stand back and watch this madness unfold before my eyes. That is way I am making my voice heard all over the world.


Update #111 jaar geleden
Thank You to all that have signed already or going to sign. The comment date for more public hearings close on March. 27. That is why this petition is in full swing. So I ask you all to please tell friends and family. I will not watch this madness unfold before my own eyes. That is why we need to make a stand againest the government to protect the things that we love. Once again for the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!!!!! WE MUST STAND AS ONE FOR THOSE WHO DON'T HAVE A VOICE!!!!
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