Migros Ignores Attacks On Wild Birds and Wildlife! Demand Action!!!

The alleged poisonings of wild birds including local wildlife near the Seepark Shopping Center in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland have been going on since 2020. Migros HQ has been informed time after time with pictures and reports on suspicious food strewn about on their parking lot and rooftop. Until now, there has been no response except to shove the problem onto the Seepark Migros which issued a no-trespassing order to prohibit animal activists from gathering evidence on missing and dead birds. The no-trespassing order was later found illegal and unenforceable. Please demand that Migros HQ put a stop to any further poisonings at the Seepark Shopping Center by signing this petition and/or by contacting Migros HQ address at: Migros HQ Pfingstweidstrasse 101, 8005 Zurich Switzerland, phone: +41 (0)587127500 e-mail: m-infoline@migros.ch Your support is urgently needed before we lose more birds, foxes, ducks, and cats. Thank you from our hearts, Diana and Bryant Dorsch

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