Restrict use and sale of fireworks -keep us free from fear and injury PLEASE.

Fireworks cause stress and illness to many domestic pets and wild animals not to mention injuries to them and humans.the cost of treatment by the NHS and to the Fire Services is also unnecessary.These items have gone from being enjoyable to being lethal weapons in the wrong hands. Restrict them and the sale to organised groups only on November 5th  before 11pm and New Year  only at midnight for one hour and away from residential areas .

Dear Sir


We respectfully request that there are restrictions imposed on the sale and use of fireworks so that they are only used in an controlled environment and for a restricted amount of time etc so that people, domestic animals etc are safe and not violated by noise and injury.At this time we are subjected to this 'invasion' into our lives and to that of our pets on any given night and time from 31st October until after 1st January.

We would appreciate you giving this matter serious consideration.

Thank you.

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