No More Destuctive Palm Oil Use

Encourage Mr. Powell and General Mills to stop using Palm Oil....since the harvesting of palm oil is in great part destructive of rainforests and the wildlife dependent on them....Since I live about 2 miles from General Mills World headquarters i hope to have a large # of signatures to take there.....


Dear CEO Ken Powell

General Mills' use of palm oil is greatly contributing to global warming and  the destruction of our planet's rainforests and the wildlife that depends on them.

By choosing  palm oil  in your products, you are enacting a legacy of deforestation,  extinction, and climate change.

Massive rainforest areas are being cleared every day in efforts to create palm plantations.

This rainforest clearing leads to destruction of natural habitats (trees, ground cover, etc) , forces animals out of their habitats, and releases pollution including carbon (greenhouse gases) into the atmoshphere providing world-wide injury to our earth, the only home for life as we know it.

The kind of industrial  development you're conducting is putting the people and animals of the  rainforest in grave danger, and negatively affecting the world's climate.

Humanity depends on companies like General Mills to be responsible citizens and stewards of our planet and all life within.  General Mills has the chance to be a leader, not a follower, and to help the world and all life today and in the future.  It is your responsibility as a corporation to be environmental stewards 
and leaders in human rights.  

All life pays a price for your companies actions at home and abroad, as do all future lives.  As the Iroquois said we must live our lives considerate of the next 7 generations...the future....

We strongly encourage you to lead, consider the next 7 generations, and work for product line that uses environmentally safer and friendlier ingredients only....

Thank you for your time.


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petitie tekenen


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