In hurricane season times i saw a small tweet on Twitter @thirty5whelen and when looking into Hurricane Dorian over Canada (sunday the 8th september) and in the tweet was a small bear cub that tried/looked out for food in and on a bin
then I looked into that tweet, thinking why not give the bearcub something to eat if hungry, then I see and stumbled on several Twitter accounts conjoined or messaging each other boosting loudly in there, which I can embed and link in petition further down below, where people track and hunt down and gather tails for fur tails of animals in cabinets and deers horns and pics of season in eight days again in other account since I have a belief a faith too I write them answer them boldly to stop massacre and hunt down animals now immidiately in Jesus Name and safeguard animals in Jesu blood
"so I think i must to give it all attention global in a petition and contact Idaho law enforcement, for how many forests and wild territories all over they really abuse track and kill/murder wild-life animals"
also I notice when look into the hurricane and followed this and see that many in COMPARISON FOR INSTANCE in Bahamas did ALL they can-could too at least seemingly to help take care of animals and pets in shelters they really waded in chin-high ocean water and bring their pets to saftey from hurricane et c and keep them and fight for them with with them all thru Hurricane Dorian all over coastal east US and safety for pets notices of organisatioins like PETA
at same time I saw article of a puppie abused somewhere and that they also use and exploit animals to pets wild life for profit like syndicates for example torture innocent real samll puppies to make money and video it all it´s an article this from source Daily Mail and a petioner have discovered this! all this equals there seem to be syndicates and unlawful hunting exaple going on and I want need address the police of Idaho into this immidiately and make them realize that when they can get away with murder they might do that to!
Now we sign this and address law inforcement to this example in one Twitter account there was a hunting with bow and maybe different stalking o f bears and deer antilopes coyotes and other fur wild life all they can get their violent hands on and abuse torture on they can then they will
so I address together with bglobal community to sign to make law inforcment react and start working with this illegal activities they have all kinds of explaining theses murderers like .. they say for ex. "I am a conservationist" or they feel like they have pretend they do soemthing good but in fact noone knows exactly whats going on in forests at all and there i s more a real high dark number of "incidents" to animals traps and murder and torture and abuse and law inforcment in Idaho must now immidiately respond to this and what might take place and goes on must be getting a more knowlegde into this what is really going on in a sixth extinction that they commit right now under all innocents noses especially the real victims are innocents these beautiful creatures of GOD in Idaho and arond the world!
Sign this petition NOW!!!!!!!
and also have a look into articles
article 1 )
Daily Mail from 5 th sept 2019 this link the article to read and the animals rights org is try hunt down this person and its whereabouts right now from 5th sept 2019 probably and maybe in sc Far East and SPCA is working on this and prayers goes on from believers for animals rights now to put up strict, harsh real LAWS into and on this money greed trophy hunts and syndicates that operate in the dark and un-detected
Twitter accounts these for example in Idaho and around in states or UK for example
1) Eric Kincaid, @kincaideric
2) Jana Waller
3) @skullhooker
4) Ross S Riley @thirty5whelen
5) Clarky Cat Boz Boz -> this one maybe a real crazy cat abuser maybe from the UK very possible and a danger maybe one of cat murderers that loom in UK it´s possible
6) @skullboundtv -> this sound like they have it footage of what they do and maybe syndicate form too like they do it for "pleasure" likely and money too greed and a distortion of real animals life and value and ethics very important to stop these peoples for "fun" "distractions" that IS ILLEGAL, UNLAWFUL AND UN ETHICAL
for hunting down photograping cameras of deer and etc wild life at nights following animals persecuting them and wanting to kill, murder them to get trophies ONLY!!!
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