Change sex on ID's without surgery

I am 17 years old living in Regina Saskatchewan and am transgender. Meaning I feel the body I was born into was the incorrect gender. The other day I applied for a legal name change. When it came to answering whether I was male or female I was torn. I asked the lady at the front desk in which she replied with saying, "have you had surgery? Because if not you have to put female." This made me so infuriated inside! Why should I have to put my birth sex down when in every other aspect of life Im a male. male pronouns, male washrooms. etc. It's almost 2016, and we are still stuck on someone not being as much of a man as someone else because what is underneath our clothing. Let me tell you, not having male genitals DOES NOT make me any less of a man as someone who was born a boy! We need to change this so people who don't have the money to have surgery, or simply doesn't want it, can be viewed as how they want to be seen as! So adults, teenagers and children can be accepted for who they are INSIDE. Not what's on the outside
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