Western Park Needs Your Support!



We, the undersigned, express our support for the construction of the Western Park located in Crozet, Virginia, and the action to be taken by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to authorize the release of Proffered Funds and leverage additional funds to launch the Western Park project.  

  • Albemarle County Parks and Recreation Staff have recently recommended a multi-phased approach to the development of Western Park. An initial step, described as Phase 1-ASAP would provide playground equipment and landscape/site improvements.  Additional work to further develop Park facilities would occur as funds are available.



  • In November 2009, the developers/owners of Old Trail (March Mountain Properties) proffered 36 acres to Albemarle County, along with $50,000, to develop a plan for the Western Park at Old Trail.
  • The Western Park is meant to serve all Western Albemarle communities, an area that has seen increasing growth in recent years, of both single-family homes and apartment complexes but most have little, or no recreational spaces/structures set aside.
  • The park is part of the Crozet Master Plan, approved by the Board of Supervisors. The "Parks Plan for Albemarle County" lists the Western Park at Old Trail as having "Trails, multi-use athletic fields, playgrounds, picnic shelters, restrooms, amphitheater and garden plots." This plan was completed in 2009 and updated in 2018.
  • The park design contains roughly 3 acres of active recreational space and 33 acres preserved for natural growth, wildlife, birdlife, and walking trails.
  • Additional funds (cash proffer) are contributed for each dwelling constructed in Old Trail in the amount of $1000 per single family unit, $500 per townhouse unit and $250 for each multifamily unit.
  • Albemarle County waived the county code requiring the developer of Old Trail to build tot lots and recreational areas. The Western Park is to provide these resources for the community.
  • The experience with COVID 19 highlights the need for locally accessible recreational areas and availability of walking trails.

-The 2018 Western Park design update may be viewed at: https://anholdla.com/western-park/

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