Preserve the peacocks of Pomona

  • van: Chelsea H
  • ontvanger: Peacock Preservation
Indian Peafowl have been using Lincoln Park Pomona as their habitat since the 70's. They bring grace, hope and majesty to this area. Recently though, threats have been made on by surrounding residents that mention either illegally catching, attacking or even killing these birds. I am so proud to be a part of a neighborhood that has respect for living creatures such as them and as a Pomona resident I cannot sit by and listen to such threats. Preserving the Indian Peacocks of Pomona is a must, the goal is to spread awareness of the negativity towards these birds in our historical district and to counter act with positive support to protect them and leave them as they are. I know we have the goddess of Pomona but making these amazing creatures Pomonas official bird like Arcadia might be something to think about. Please get involved, please sign this petition. It's for the birds :)
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