Petition to the Supreme Court of NY Against all Book Changes to Srila Prabhupada's Books
Any signatures using abuse, spam or abusive language will be immediately deleted. Let us please be adults on this serious matter.
Whereas we feel that a majority of Srila Prabhupada's initiated disciples, and followers, in the vicinity of more than 90% - 99% feel that the changes to his books by the BBT was an unauthorized action that has changed the philosophy presented by His Divine Grace, we submit to the courts this petition that such changes are a violation of copyright law and also not accepted by the ISKCON congregation.
Whereas we feel that a majority of Srila Prabhupada's initiated disciples, and followers, in the vicinity of more than 90% - 99% feel that the changes to his books by the BBT was an unauthorized action that has changed the philosophy presented by His Divine Grace, we submit to the courts this petition that such changes are a violation of copyright law and also not accepted by the ISKCON congregation.
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