• van: Leora Zalik
  • ontvanger: College of Veterinarians of British Columbia

Tail docking is a surgical procedure performed on puppies when they are 3 to 5 days old, usually without anesthetic. The procedure can cause infection and chronic pain. Supporters of the procedure claim it reduces the incidence of tail injury, primarily in working dogs. The scientific research does not support this claim. In actual fact the procedure is primarily done for cosmetic reasons, in compliance with Kennel Club breed standards. Dogs use their tails for communication and balance. Tail docking puts the dogs at a disadvantage in these areas.

Tail docking is now illegal in Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Cyprus, Greece, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Finland, and Germany. Though Canada has no federal legislation banning the procedure provincial legislation makes it illegal in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Canadian federal and provincial legislative changes are required however they will take time. In the interim Canadian Provincial Colleges of Veterinarians have the power to ban the procedure from veterinary practices. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) opposes the alteration of any animal by surgical or other invasive methods for cosmetic or competitive purposes believing that cosmetic alteration is unnecessary and contravenes their veterinary oath which states, “I will strive to promote animal health and welfare, relieve animal suffering… Veterinarians in 6 provinces have been prohibited from performing various cosmetic surgeries through provincial veterinary association by-laws and codes of practice (NL, PE, NS, NB, MB, SK). In October of 2015 the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia added their name to this list by banning ear cropping. However they did not, at that time, ban tail docking.

This petition demands that, in the best interest of our canine companions, the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia also ban tail docking.

References for this petition can be found on the following websites:

Tail docking is typically performed on puppies when they are 3 to 5 days old, usually without anesthetic. The procedure can cause infection and chronic pain. Supporters of the procedure claim it reduces the incidence of tail injury, primarily in working dogs. The scientific research does not support this claim. In actual fact the procedure is primarily done for cosmetic reasons, in compliance with Kennel Club breed standards. Dogs use their tails for communication and balance. Tail docking puts the dogs at a disadvantage in these areas.

Tail docking is now illegal in Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Cyprus, Greece, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Finland, and Germany. Though Canada has no federal legislation banning the procedure provincial legislation makes it illegal in Newfoundland and Labrador. Canadian federal and provincial legislative changes are required however they will take time. In the interim Canadian Provincial Colleges of Veterinarians have the power to ban the procedure from veterinary practices. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) opposes the alteration of any animal by surgical or other invasive methods for cosmetic or competitive purposes believing that cosmetic alteration is unnecessary and contravenes their veterinary oath which states, “I will strive to promote animal health and welfare, relieve animal suffering…

Veterinarians in 6 provinces have been prohibited from performing various cosmetic surgeries through provincial veterinary association by-laws and codes of practice (NL, PE, NS, NB, MB, SK). In October of 2015 your college, the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia added your name to this list by banning ear cropping. Thank you.  However you did not, at that time, ban tail docking.

This petition urges that, in the best interest of our canine companions, the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia also ban tail docking.


Leora Zalik

Richmond, BC

References for this petition can be found on the following websites:

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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