It's Time to End the Time Change Twice a Year Around Daylight Saving Time For Good!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Every country that practices time changing twice yearly

Daylight Saving Time is in opposition to Standard Time, and practicing it means that twice yearly we must change the time, confusing everyone's bodies, brains and lives. While it was first implemented to save coal and help farmers, we have progressed so far away from that. On top of that, sleep experts say the health consequences of losing sleep from daylight saving outweigh any value it has.

In the U.S. right now, states can either be sheep and follow the crowd of those observing Daylight Saving Time half the year, or remain on Standard Time all year.

Sign the petition if you want every country to be on Standard Time all the time and end this time changing business for good!

Sleep experts also tell us that the time change is not good for our bodies. Our circadian rhythms, which control our sleep cycles, are incredibly sensitive. Throwing our schedules off by even an hour can have significant impacts on our ability to sleep and function in our lives. Sleeping at a regular and consistent time is a crucial part of staying healthy and happy. This is a no brainer. 

The societal factors that created our bizarre time change choices are just not longer required. It's a relic and it needs to end. Sign the petition if you want every country to have Standard Time year-round!

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