UK: Don't Construct a New Coal and Wood Power Plant!

At a time when we should be concerned with using renewable energy sources, the UK government is planning to build a new coal and wood-pellet-burning power plant at Drax in Yorkshire.

Drax is already the biggest coal-burning plant in Yorkshire, and burns more wood than any other plant in the UK. The new power station will be the first coal plant built in the UK since 1974.

The government hopes that the new plant will capture carbon, a technology shunned elsewhere. But even with the best of intentions, it is unlikely that the plant would be able to capture the percentage of carbon that environmental standards require. It is more likely that they'll end up burning a higher percentage of wood, clearing nearby forests.

Please sign the petition to urge the UK Government to abandon their plans to build a new coal and wood-burning plant, and instead to seek sustainable alternatives.

We, the undersigned, are concerned with your plans to build a new coal and wood-pellet-burning power plant at Drax in Yorkshire.

As you know, Drax is already the biggest coal-burning plant in Yorkshire, and burns more wood than any other plant in the UK. The new power station will be the first coal plant built in the UK since 1974.

We understand your hopes that the new plant will capture carbon, a technology shunned elsewhere. But even with the best of intentions, it is unlikely that the plant would be able to capture the percentage of carbon that environmental standards require. It is more likely that they'll end up burning a higher percentage of wood, clearing nearby forests. This is a time when we should be looking to renewable, green energy sources, not reverting back to the 1970s. We respectfully urge you to end your plans to build a new coal and wood burning plants, and instead focus your funds on renewable energy. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

Please sign the petition to urge the UK Government to abandon their plans to build a new coal and wood-burning plant, and instead to seek sustainable alternatives.

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