Stop Seal Slaughter!

  • van: Naomi Dreyer
  • ontvanger: The Canadian commercial fishing industry

If Canada's fishing industry would like open access to our U.S. market, it needs to stop the commercial seal slaughter for good.
On average, sealers make less than 5 percent of their income from killing seals. So what brings in the other 95 percent? Seafood.
You can boycott Canadian seafood by NOT buying it.
Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans says it will shut down the commercial seal slaughter when Canada's fishing industry asks it to do so and since more than 60 percent of Canadian seafood exports go to the United States each year, this gives us a lever.
Through the boycott of Canadian seafood we can send a clear message: If Canada's fishing industry would like open access to our U.S. market, it needs to stop the commercial seal slaughter for good.
Sign please that you agree.

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