Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs gassed in Lubbock TX by city officials

Stated mission of city officials is to eradicate all Black-tailed Prairie Dogs within city parks with the exception of a small area historically known as "Prairie Dog Town." City of Lubbock TX is broadly and without good cause, eradicating Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs within the city and within city parks. Several of these parks are nature areas where these prairie dogs are causing no harm or interference to visitors and are actually bringing value in many ways.

These animals are a keystone species (other species disappear without them), they create dirt patches for animal dust baths, they create bare ground for ground-nesting birds who share their holes (Burrowing Owls which are protected by the Migratory Bird Act), they turn up the soil for aeration and rainwater seepage, and they bring joy and amusement to those visiting these areas. Large numbers of these prairie dogs are being cruelly gassed and suffer horribly as they are trapped below the ground to slowly and painfully die. These animals are dying needlessly. Burrowing Owls have no space to breed and dwell as the prairie dogs are eliminated and their holes covered over at the time prairie dogs are gassed. The city is not conducting any studies to determine where prairie dog colonies can remain untouched in habitat areas such as the Canyon Lakes (Dunbar Historic Lake) where they add value to the ecological system.

City officials need to hear that this needless gassing of Black-tailed Prairie Dogs will not be tolerated by the citizens of Lubbock TX.

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