Demand an end to the Amish not using anasthetics before surgery on any animals!

  • van: Jan Silverman
  • ontvanger: The people of Pennsylvannia and the Mayor
This is the most cruel and inhumane act to perform on helpless animals. The pain that they feel is is intolerable. They suffer with broken bones, they also use chains to hold their noses in place because of the fact that they are given no anasthetics! Then when they have to perform the procedures, there are no anasthetic sprays to numb the areas that have to be performed, such as cow's teats, blood spills everywhere, pigs scream in agony, it it something you would see happen in 1 B.C. There are many barbaric practices that the amish practice and this is one of their most barbarbic.

They should sign for the dignity of the animals and the safety and health of their community. It is very unsafe and can cause major health risks for the whole community. All farm animals are at risk and so are the people.

The Amish are a very backward, uncivilized, basically uneducated people. They are a threat to health standards everywhere.
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