!!!!!!Exeter City Council (UK): Please Don’t Allow the Sale of Real Fur at This Year’s Christmas Market and All The Christmas Markets in the Future!!!!!!

I had the fortune of visiting the Exeter Christmas Market last year and eating vegan pizza marinara once again...
Anyhow, a couple of years ago, maybe, there was an uproar over one of the stands selling real fur. This was brought to light (to some) by EFFA (Exeter Friends for Animals).
I went to one of the stands and asked if they sold real fur. No offence to the person I asked, nothing against them (no abuse to or attacks on them, please), but the person whom I spoke to said that they didn't sell real fur and showed me a sign saying that it was fake fur (along with the price, probably). However, I can, perhaps, make out real fur from fake, and this appeared to be real. Other stands at the Exeter Christmas Market may also sell real fur and leather. This is not okay. Animals are treated horrifically for their fur. Deliberate unnecessary violence towards any sentient beings, be they human or nonhuman, is absolutely WRONG.
Banning the sale of real fur and leather at the Exeter Christmas Market this year and forever could:
A) Mean that the animal cruelty associated with fur and leather would not be contributed to in those ways at the Exeter Christmas Market.
B) Protect those who run the stalls and prevent crime (not all vegetarians, vegans and animal rights people are violent, by the way. Many of us are nonviolent people).
C) Be a step in the right direction to make Exeter a more ethical city.
D) Serve as an inspiration for other places, markets, companies and businesses in Exeter and beyond to also take steps against animal cruelty, especially that which is related to fur and leather.
Also, please make Exeter City Market a more vegan-friendly event. Please encourage more vegan businesses and those with vegan options to take part and sell more vegan food. I would also like all unsold, unsaleable, good food (whether vegan or not) to be donated to the homeless and the needy (e.g at soup kitchens, Julian House, St Petrock's, Exeter Community Initiative or just to the homeless and needy, please ensure the safety of all).
Thank you 😊 to the moon 🌒 and back.
May you and all sentient beings be perfectly well, healthy, happy and safe and protected forever ♾.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!

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