Stop The Slaughter Of Thousands Of Wild Horses And Other Animals!

  • van: Eric Rardin
  • ontvanger: David Littleproud and Sussan Ley, Australian Ministers

"Around 4,000 wild brumbies will be removed from Kosciuszko National Park. Many of the animals will be shot from the air by gunmen in helicopters." - Daily Mail

Add your name if you want to stop this, before it's too late!

"Around 4000 wild brumbies will be killed or rehomed while pigs, goats and deer will be shot from helicopters.

"The horses will be removed from Kosciuszko National Park, in the Australian Alps, next month to help the native wildlife recover from the summer bushfires.

"The decision came just as the New South Wales state government implemented a massive pest management program that will see pigs and deer shot to aid bushfire recovery, the Daily Telegraph reported," said the same source.

Doesn't this seem needlessly cruel to you?

No one is disputing that the native fauna should be protected.

But there is no excuse to slaughter so many animals.

A humane alternative should be found!

"'Horse removal will start in June 2020 and continue throughout the year. The priority is to rehome horses. Those horses that cannot be rehomed will be euthanised in trap yards, or sent to a knackery'," said the same source.

That means mean we need to act fast!

That's why we're calling on David Littleproud MP, Australian Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management; and Sussan Ley MP, Australian Minister for the Environment; to do whatever it takes to ensure a humane method of controlling the population of wild horses is used.

Don't you want to stop this heartless slaughter?

Then add your name and demand that these horses be brought under control humanely, instead of slaughtered by the thousands!

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