We demand a stop to crippling odius loans to Uganda

President Museveni has hijacked the procurement process in Uganda. Therefore, we are warning international lenders that if you lend to us, having gone via President Museveni, be sure that we will not pay back.

In other words, as long as Museveni is in power, there should be no loans to Uganda. We are sure he will go soon. It may take 2, 5, 10 or even 15 years before he goes but he will go. We are prepared to delay any developments until he is gone and we can have a fair deal.

In 2005 Uganda got help after an international effort and got her $5 billion debt reduced to almost $1.4 billion. Today that debt has increase to over $11 billion with almost nothing to show for it and if President Museveni has his way, Uganda’s external debt is heading towards $40 billion if war reparations to the DR Congo ($10 billion) are included.
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