Justice for Justine Damond, Shot By Minneapolis Police!

  • van: S E Smith
  • ontvanger: Interim Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria (Rondo) Arradondo, Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, Minneapolis, MN

Justine Damond was shot by Minneapolis police after she heard suspicious noises outside her home and called to report them. When the 40-year-old Australian woman stepped out into a well-lit alley to talk with responding officers, one of them shot her from the passenger seat of the patrol car. Neither officer's bodycam was operational, and the dash cam on their vehicle failed to capture the encounter.

We want a swift and thorough investigation to determine why no cameras were recording at the time of the incident, and why Officer Mohamed Noor, her shooter, felt it was necessary to deploy lethal force against an unarmed woman in her pajamas.

We also want an explanation for why Minneapolis police failed to follow their own department policies with respect to handling body cams, and accountability: How does the force intend to break the cycle of police shootings across the city?

UPDATE: Police Chief Janeé Harteau has been forced out by Mayor Hodges, but the investigation into Officer Noor's irresponsible actions have not been made clear. It has been revealed that Officer Noor is a graduate of a fast-tracked 7 month long cadet training program, entering the police force without a degree in criminal justice, coming to law enforcement after work in commercial and residential property management.

Photo credit: Tony Webster

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