Permanent Central Standard Time for all of Indiana!

Fellow Hoosiers, are you tired of waking up at 7 am in pitch black darkness feeling tired, groggy, unhappy, and not wanting to do anything? Most of Indiana is observing the wrong time zone but 12 of the 92 counties are observing Central time, which is the right time-zone for all of Indiana.

Eastern Time delays sunrise until a few minutes past 8 am for most of Indiana, but 12 of the 92 countries that observe Central time have sunrise a few minutes past 7 am. In addition to this, daylight saving makes this complication much worse than it already is. Side effects are increased heart attacks, strokes, sleep deprivation, depression, suicide rates, work related injuries, car accidents, injured pedestrians, etc. If it's not bad enough, read the next paragraph

On January 23, 2017, an 11 year old boy named Tristian Moore was struck and killed trying to catch the TRANSPO bus to school with his 8 year old brother (not injured) by a passing pick up truck after 7 am crossing the road in pitch black darkness. What is worse, the pedestrian and traffic signals weren't working making it even harder to see pedestrians crossing the road! Dark mornings make it so difficult to see pedestrians because of the lack of light that was shining at 7 am causing an increase of injured pedestrians. We need to take action and do the right thing because of what happened on that day!

What is the solution to this problem? We put all of Indiana in permanent central standard time year round (-6 GMT year round) because all of Indiana lies well within the Central Time Zone and daylight saving forces us to observe the wrong time-zone.

As many people may or may not know, the sunshine protection act is reintroduced in the senate and is yet to be brought up to the senate floor. If this passes, the states have a choice to choose either standard time or daylight saving year-round. DST year round is much worse than the biannual change. How will this petition help make a change? This petition gives people an opportunity to get their voices out to the Indiana state government, the more supporters we have, the more voices are heard and politicians are more likely to listen to us.

Hoosiers, I strongly urge you to sign this petition to help get Indiana back into Permanent Central Standard Time year-round, no daylight saving!

Note: This petition is for the people of Indiana

Update #52 maanden geleden
Hoosiers, Trump vowed to get rid of costly daylight saving so this is a step in the right direction for Indiana, but still, contact your state legislators about permanent central standard time so we can have bright mornings for most of the year.
Update #42 jaar geleden
Hey Hoosiers, we are almost up to 1000 signers on this petition and I am grateful for your support. Let's keep fighting for permanent central standard time for all of Indiana!!
I encourage Hoosiers to use this hashtag below to engage on social media to draw attention for change in Indiana!!

"It's not changing our clocks that make a difference, it's what we do with our hours that count."
Want to wake up to bright mornings? Change your hours.

Update #32 jaar geleden
Hey Hoosiers, I am going to increase the goal to 2 thousand signers soon. What I am going to do is break our goal up into small goals so we build momentum as opposed to doing the entire goal at once. We are in the 800's right now and thank you for your support. Signing this petition not only will help me but for many of the other Hoosiers in this state. Lets keep going and contact your state legislatures now for next session!!!
Update #22 jaar geleden
I have to say Hoosiers, I did NOT expect to get 708 signatures on this petition because I did not get this much signatures on my petition!! Thank you for signing this petition!!! Lets keep going and contact your state legislatures for next session!!!
Update #12 jaar geleden
The Sunshine Protection Act passed in the US senate and now heading to the house of representatives, contact your Indiana state legislators of moving all of Indiana to permanent central standard time year round no daylight saving
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