Demand Famous YouTube Animal abusers get kicked off of YouTube

  • van: Shan
  • ontvanger: End Animal Cruelty On YouTube

YouTube is so quick to demonetize a video for having one bad word in it. When there's no where to report a channel for animal abuse, only places to report a video for animal abuse. Animals deserve full rights as people. Animals were here before us. Animal abusers such as Ssoyoung kill, slaughter, torture, and rip into live animals for views and money. She is being paid to abuse animals and YouTube is letting this behavior slide by. Animal abusers need to be kicked off of YouTube and served jail time. I demand they get the consequences to their actions. These abusers are eating rare and nearly extinct animals. As does Ssoyoung, she tortures a living shark, laughing and giggling as it sufficates. Absolutely disgusting behaviour. This is something a child can watch, how would you feel if your child saw an innocent animal being killed  and goes and does it because they think this behaviour is acceptable. We need to stop animal abuser YouTubers.

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