Bring Back Melissa and Sid to Q94 Mornings

Hep us bring back Melissa Chase and Sid Kelly to Q94 where they belong! We are outraged by the fact that the Melissa and Sid Morning Show on Q94 has been terminated. We don't like how it was canceled so quickly and then to be told that it was being outsourced to New York! It dosen't make sense that a "local" radio show is in New York City!! We also don't like this decision because in Richmond there is very little variety in the choices of radio stations and this decision makes the variety even slimmer. The canceling of the Melissa and Sid Morning Show will surely result in a decrease in listeners because there are very loyal fans. When someone mentions Melissa and Sid you immediately think of Q94 that morning show holds that station together! Richmond (me too) has been waking up to this morning show for 6 years sharing their crazy stories, breakups, proposals, troubling family matters, new babies, marriages, cheating (War of the Roses) and even those crazy Man Segments. To me this is heart breaking, knowing that we will never be able to do that again. No one really wants to listen to someone in New York when they know they could be listening and chatting to Melissa and Sid locally. I am thoroughly disappointed that Clear Channel has fired Sid Kelly.  Waking up in the morning just wont be the same without them.
We the undersigned would like to ask you to reconsider rehiring Sid Kelly to Q94 in Richmond, Virginia.
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