KFC UK Just Reversed Its Promise to Commit to Chicken Welfare

In 2019, the fast food chain KFC gained praise in the UK for pledging to improve chicken welfare by shifting to slower-growing breeds, reducing suffering and mortality among billions of chickens. However, it seems that the company went back on its promise. This year, KFC reported only 1% progress and is now claiming the 2026 goal is unattainable. This backtrack is putting millions of chickens in danger.

Sign the petition to demand KFC UK reaffirm its commitment to the Better Chicken Commitment!

Despite widespread industry challenges, other companies – including Burger King, Subway, and Nando's – have remained commited to the pledge. KFC's claim of an inadequate supply of slower-growing breeds is a poor excuse for its near-complete inaction and lack of initiative to foster necessary industry changes.

Animal welfare is not optional, it's essential. Let's remind KFC that their commitments have real-world impacts on living beings and our environment. KFC UK must not compromise on animal welfare for its bottom line. The company must hold true to its promises. 

Sign this petition to urge KFC to prioritize compassion and ethical standards in its operations. Your voice can help ensure a more humane treatment of chickens across the industry.

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